The Law of Demeter is pretty simple:
A method of an object should invoke only the methods of the following kinds of objects:Essentially it means that in languages like Java you should not chain together method calls using the dot operator. A great example of this is detailed in the paper, The Paperboy, The Wallet,
1. itself
2. its parameters
3. any objects it creates/instantiates
4. its direct component objects
and The Law Of Demeter by David Bock. Bock goes through a perfect illustration of why the Law of Demeter should be followed, with an emphasis on scenarios where not using it can cause null pointer exceptions. Sadly, this is the exact case I ran into recently that would have been avoided if I had followed the law.
I had a client interface that needed to get information contained in an object returned from a different method. The needed information was always to be in the first item in a collection, so I immediately used dot operator chaining to get the iterator for the collection and then the first item in the collection.
Item i = (Item)object.methodReturningCollection().iterator().next();
Looking at that code now I see how naive I was being when I wrote it. I never thought of the scenario where the initially called method would return as null . Of course this was caught in testing, but was fixed by simply using a temporary variable and testing for null. This fixes the problem with the null object, but still goes against the law. What I should have done was to create a method in the called object that returned the information I was trying to obtain in the client code. Then the client would not need to know how to retrieve the information as it should be the responsibility of the called object.
I consider myself a fairly decent developer, but you learn something new everyday. I will now be looking out for this when I am doing refactoring. It's amazing to me how much software development is an ongoing learning experience. I love every minute of it...