
May 18, 2010

I Have Found The Holy Grails

Lately I have been doing a lot more web and UI development than I normally do. I generally do my best to stay away from anything that interfaces with an actual human, but sometimes you have no other choice.  During this work I have touched a few modules developed with Struts 1, some with the old school Java code inside of  JSP scriptlets, and some using Ext JS with Java servlets serving up JSON data.  I didn't like any of them, so once I finished my tasks I set out to do some research on web development frameworks and have come to the conclusion that if I have my choice of frameworks to use, I would use Grails.

Grails just seems so straight forward to me. In one night I made it through the Grails User Guide, and was able to get a small app up and running.  I have more learning to do with Grails, but I think we are going to become longtime friends.

With that in mind, I think it might be useful to actually do some posts on the various components of Grails. Would anyone be interested in that? Right now I am thinking something along the lines of a series of posts where in the end a full Grails app will have been built.