Like many people, I have not yet made my way down the TDD path. My current job does not use it and I don’t think it will any time soon and I have yet figured out how to get started on my own. Luckily, I have found someone to show me the ropes and get me started. I am pretty excited about it. I will finally be making the jump into more current development techniques. From what everyone tells me, once I get started with TDD I won’t be able to design/develop any other way. I’m psyched.
Give Paul Hammant a call. He's a Dallas area ThoughtWorker who runs a local Geek Night. Devs are welcome to hang out at ThoughtWorks once a week to pair on open source projects. All work is done TDD. I used to go there and work on Update Controls and Correspondence, until something else intervened. Let me know when you plan on going and I'll see if I can make it.