
June 20, 2007


I've come to the realization that I can be very random. Tonight I was working on my thesis simulation while the wife watched television in the other room. I was doing that most of the night, but soon after wifey went to bed I got the sudden urge to do the dishes and clean... Now mind you it is midnight when this begins. I bust some suds and get the first set of dishes in the dishwasher (we had quite a stack of dishes, don't ask...) and decide that now is the right time to go return movies to Blockbuster and go get some milk and cereal from Wal-mart... So I finally make it home at 1:30am and proceed to go back to the last set of dishes to wash. And now at 3am I'm here typing this entry in my wonderful blog. Man I need to kick this night owl habit...

June 14, 2007

Frustration, Frustration

If you are ever working and feel like the project is beginning to slip away, speak up or forever hold your peace...

When you feel your project is suffering from misdirection or is not going as planned, you should speak up. You may feel like you are a peon at the bottom of the org chart, but you better believe that when the project is overrun and mandatory overtime kicks in your peon ass will be the one staying day and night....

June 5, 2007

Here Comes the Consultant

I worked from home today because I had a bit of a sore throat, but in the morning I have to go to work almost no matter what. Why, you ask? Because we have a consultant coming in the morning to step us through a vendor product install.

Now, for those of you who are entering the software development and engineering world will most certainly encounter these scenarios. The boss man will say we need to save money so instead of building something yourself you will buy something existing that already does it. Nothing wrong with that, but in most cases you will need to learn how to use it which is where the consultants come in. They will come in and show you how everything with the product works, which is great but usually these guys come in and throw so much at you that you spend the next two weeks trying to figure out what all they said, lol.

So tomorrow I will be sitting there trying to write down as much as possible while Mr. Consultant shows me how to install a bunch of extra features that we probably will never use. Oh well, I guess it could be worse. I could be killing roaches with Milton in the basement....

Tales of a Thesis - Ch. 1

For those that don't know, I am working on my thesis so I can complete my graduate studies at the old alma mater. It's a pretty big project to tackle, considering the whole thing is all on my shoulders. There is no one telling me I must have this and that done by this date. It's all on me to plan this thing out and get it done. So I spent most of tonight sitting at my computer reading 7 or 8 of the 20+ papers I have printed out on my topic (Wireless Sensor Networks) and taking a few notes so I can start planning out my simulation that I will need to write so that I can come up with something to write about in the actual thesis.

So basically, I now have two jobs going on at once. I have my normal job as Black Dilbert and then my job as Mr. Student writing my thesis. So basically I have become a bigger nerd than I already am, but keep that between you and me. :-)

June 2, 2007

And it begins...

So I finally decided to start me a nice little blog to let everyone in on all the crazy and funny stuff that goes on in my life. I spend most of my time crunched inside of my nice little cubicle so graciously provided to me by my employer. This is probably the worst scenario to be in. My cubicle is just wide enough that I don't complain about not having any space, but it is just tall enough that I can't see when my Mr. Lumberg is coming to ask me to do something. So it pretty much drives me insane, lol. I keep one eye over my shoulder at all times...

Anyway, I look forward to providing my wonderful tales of life in the software development world.