As I was studying for the SCJP exam I realized how much I enjoy working with Java. I can still remember when I first started learning Java back in 2002 while I was in college. I had finally "mastered" C++ and was looking for a new challenge, when surprisingly my university added a Java course. So not only did I get to learn the language that would be the launching pad to my software engineering adventure, but I would get to knock out a course elective at the same time.
A lot has changed in Java since then, but it still remains my "go-to guy" when I am starting a project. So from this point on, I will be leaving .NET at work and spending my time with Java. I think I will be able to do a lot more as far as contributing to the Open Source community by spending more of my time with Java and that is the direction I am headed.
Anyone have any suggestions on a nice Open Source project to join to get my feet wet???
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